Postillion of Lonjumeau

Event Information

Grand Opera House

Price: $2

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
3 November 2023

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

25 Dec 1871, 2:00 PM

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka The Coachman of Longjumeau
Composer(s): Adam
Text Author: Leuven, Brunswick
Participants:  Pauline Canissa (role: Magdelena);  Edward [baritone] Vierling;  Adolph [bass] Franosch;  Theodore Wachtel (role: Lonjumeau)


Advertisement: New-York Times, 24 December 1871, 7.
Review: New York Post, 26 December 1871, 2.

“Wachtel, the great German tenor, sung before a large audience at the Grand Opera House at a Christmas matinee, appearing in ‘The Postilion.’ Mme. Canissa was the prima donna. Wachtel was received with the usual fervor.”

Review: New-York Times, 26 December 1871, 5.
“Herr Wachtel’s performance at the Grand Opera-house, yesterday afternoon, attracted and delighted a very large audience. The opera was ‘The Postillion de Longjumeau.’ Its recital by Herren Wachtel, Franosch and Vierling has had frequent notice in these columns. The wonted effect was produced by the latest representation. The matchless beauty of the tenor’s voice, the gentleman’s capital delivery, and his spirited acting awakened an admiration quite justificatory of the enthusiasm which was shown during the progress of the first scene between Chapelou and Madeleine, and which accompanied Herr Wachtel’s efforts until the close of the entertainment. The famed rondo was thrice rendered. We must not omit to mention that the rôle of Madeleine was filled for the first time by Mlle. Pauline Canissa, whose talent as a vocalist and a comedienne had abundant appreciation.”
Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 27 December 1871, 5.

"He [Wachtel] sang ‘The Postilion of Longjumeau’ at a Christmas matinée at the Grand Opera House, before an immense and vociferously enthusiastic audience, Miss Canissa, Herr Vierling, and Herr Franosch being his principal supporters.”