Steinway Hall
Manager / Director:
George Dolby
Price: $1; $1.50 extra, reserved seats
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
14 November 2023
“The last concert but one to be given by Mr. Dolby’s artists, all of whom, with the exception of Mr. Santley, are to depart for Europe at once, occurred at Steinway Hall last evening. The entertainment attracted a very numerous audience and afforded the usual pleasure. We printed the full programme yesterday morning. As it included compositions which had been recited at earlier performances, a detailed notice of its elements need not be attempted. Almost all the pieces were redemanded, and the desire of the listeners to enjoy a double treat was gratified in nearly every instance. In acknowledgement of the applause which recalled Mr. Santley, after he had sung ‘Sulla poppa del mio brik,’ that gentleman interpreted Rossini’s exquisite tarantella ‘Gia la luna,’ which, however, is somewhat light for his voice.”
“The Dolby troupe gave two farewell concerts at Steinway Hall, on the 16th and 17th, prior to their departure for Europe. Two thoroughly enjoyable concerts they were for those who love the sweet and simple ballads whose infinite popularity age cannot wither nor custom stale. At the second concert nearly every piece was encored. I must own to some regret at finding on the programme none of those beautiful songs by Arthur Sullivan which Miss Edith Wynne knows how to sing so charmingly.”