Tony Pastor's Opera House
Event Type:
Play With Music
Last Updated:
5 April 2024
“Tony Pastor has a traveling troupe this summer, and during his absence the theatre is managed by some of his friends in their own interest, Pastor receiving nothing but the rent and amount of gas bills.
“The season has been unremunerative and the managers have not been able to pay their employees. The orchestra went away on this account, and three string pieces were engaged to supply the music. Mr. Eddy has an engagement there, and last night had a benefit playing in ‘The Rag Picker of Paris’ and ‘The Irish Lion.’ Before the first piece closed the musicians struck for their pay, and as it was not forthcoming refused to play any longer. The audience good naturedly excused the want of music until the dance in ‘The Irish Lion’ was called for, and then yelled vociferously for ‘music.’ The actors were embarrassed, and the scene became extremely ludicrous when a genius in the gallery volunteered to whistle a tune rather than have the dance omitted. Mr. Eddy made an apology, and the performance was continued, but it reminded one of the play of Hamlet with Hamlet omitted.”
“On that evening [Friday] the orchestra, in consequence of some misunderstanding about the payment of their salaries, left during the performance. Mr. Marius Turck, one of the managers, we are informed, took the gross receipts of the box office and retired from the management.”