Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
29 Apr 1872, 8:00 PM
30 Apr 1872, 8:00 PM
01 May 1872, 8:00 PM
02 May 1872, 8:00 PM
03 May 1872, 8:00 PM
04 May 1872, 2:00 PM
Program Details
Benefits Thursday and Friday evenings.
Performers and/or Works Performed
Composer(s): Tissington
Advertisement: New-York Times, 28 April 1872, 9.
Various benefits during the week.
Announcement: New York Post, 02 May 1872, 2.
Benefit Thursday evening Tooker and Morrissey, business manager and treasurer, respectively; includes operatic concert.
Announcement: New York Clipper, 04 May 1872, 38.
The theatre to close after the May 4 performance; unsuccessful season.
Review: New York Clipper, 11 May 1872, 46.
Closed after the May 3 performance; meagre audience. Operatic concert on Thursday evening between between the second and third acts; includes names of performers, Richard Mulder, conductor. Summary of the season.