Vocal and Instrumental Concert

Event Information

Steinway Hall

Louis Dachauer-Gaspard

Price: $1

Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal

Record Information


Last Updated:
28 July 2024

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

13 May 1872, Evening

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Gottschalk
Participants:  Marie Krebs;  Pablo de Sarasate
aka Melancholie, La
Composer(s): Jehin-Prume
Participants:  Pablo de Sarasate
aka Polacca
Composer(s): Chopin
Participants:  Marie Krebs
aka Waltz from Faust
Composer(s): Liszt
Participants:  Marie Krebs
aka If thou couldst know
Composer(s): Balfe
Participants:  Octavie Gomien
Composer(s): Dachauer-Gaspard
Participants:  Henriette Corradi
Composer(s): Unknown composer
Participants:  Pablo de Sarasate


Advertisement: New-York Times, 10 May 1872, 7.

Last appearance but one of Pablo de Sarasate, prior to his departure for Europe.

Announcement: New York Post, 11 May 1872, 2.
Announcement: New-York Times, 13 May 1872, 4.

Sarasate’s farewell concert; partial programme.

Review: New-York Times, 14 May 1872, 5.

“Señor Pablo Sarasate, the young violinist whose admirable work has so frequently during the past year commanded our most liberal encomiums, gave at Steinway Hall, last evening, a farewell concert. The gentleman’s faultless execution, his exquisite beauty of tone and his unswerving taste as a musician were as conspicuous as usual in his selections for the entertainment, most notable among which were a duet on themes from ‘Don Giovanni,’ recited with the aid of Miss Krebs, and a solo on motives from ‘Der Freyschuetz,’ by the artist himself. Miss Krebs’ numbers were one of Chopin’s polonaises and Liszt’s exacting arrangement of the waltz in Gounod’s ‘Faust.’ The vocalists of the occasion were Mlle. Corradi, whose merit as an executant was admitted after her performances at a not distant Philharmonic concert, and Miss Gomien, a contralto. Mr. Dachauer conducted.”

Review: New York Herald, 14 May 1872, 6.

“The farewell concert given by Señor Sarasate last night at this hall was worthy of the reputation which he has achieved in this country. Great care was used in making the selections; but, however much they deserved praise from an artistic point of view, we fear they were rather above the taste of the assembled audience. It was evident, from the vacancies that were evident on the floor of the hall, that these concerts were somewhat caviare to the general public. We missed the inveterate opera goers, and the absence of the American element was most marked. Wherever one turned the faces of the audience were foreign, with here and there a few unmistakable native faces, just enough to break the monotony. The programme opened with a duo on themes from ‘Don Giovanni,’ by Miss Marie Krebs and Señor Sarasate. The execution was excellent, and at once established the performers in the good graces of the audience. Mlle. Gomien, a contralto of remarkable richness of voice, sang Balfe’s ‘If Thou Couldst Know,’ in French, with much feeling, displaying high, solid culture in the management of her voice. Mlle. Corradi rendered successfully Dachauer’s grand aria, ‘Faust,’ obtaining an encore. Sarasate executed in brilliant style a fantasia from ‘Der Freischutz,’ and, in response to an enthusiastic encore, played ‘St. Patrick’s Day,’ with variations, displaying magnificent power of execution. Selections from Chapin [sic], Flotow, Prume, Thomas and Mendelssohn completed the programme.”