Tony Pastor's Opera House
Joseph [conductor] Braham
Price: $.35; $.50 reserved
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
9 August 2024
“Little Miss Reynolds sang a serio-comic song, and afterwards performed a song and dance quite acceptably. Although her performances are by no means remarkable, she bids fair, when she has ripened into womanhood, to become a performer of more than average merit. Pete Cannon, who had hitherto performed at this theatre, was warmly welcomed upon his re-appearance, and his performances were vociferously applauded, he having been re-called no less than five times. His brogue is excellent, and his selections of songs are fresh and witty. Hurley and Marr, double song and dance performers, are very popular with the patrons of this theatre, being re-called some three or four times nightly. Billy Pastor’s comic songs meet with much favor, and the sketches that fill out the programme are, as a general thing, well acted. The attendance was fair.”