Manager / Director:
Charley White
Price: $.50 parquet; $.75 orchestra chair; $.25 gallery; $4 private box
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
27 October 2024
“Miss Rosa Lee is a finely formed lady, endowed with much personal beauty. Her voice is good, and the selections of songs she sang were well received. John Williams, who had but recently arrived in this country from Europe, made his American debut on Nov. 4th. He came upon the stage without being announced upon the bills or otherwise, and by sheer force of his artistic abilities drew forth a torrent of applause, such as is seldom heard within the walls of a theatre. He first sang a song in the Lancashire dialect, accompanied with a characteristic dance, then an Irish song, and finally gave a clog dance. Each character was appropriately costumed. His singing was good, but his dancing met with the greatest favor, being distinguished for remarkable agility of movement, celerity of movement, and correctness of time.”