Says: Ernestine De “Faiber.”“If you wish to see a varied performance, including dancing, singing, ‘play acting,’ Nigger business, acrobatisms, and ‘sho’ actin,’ the ‘American,’ 444 Broadway, is the place to visit.Here, the supple-legged beauty whirls and tosses, and pitches herself about in all the bewitching allurements of the mazy dance—common newspaper scribblers call this sort of thing ‘tripping it on the light fantastic toe;’ that’s danced out, though; us uncommon critics understand how to clothe such affairs in new and gayer apparel, and that’s what’s the matter with us now.”
Advertisement:New York Clipper, 27 June 1863, 88.
“All the Gems of Pantomime, Ballet, Comedy, Opera, Vaudeville, Burlesque, Gymnastics, Ethiopian Minstrelsy, Plantation Illustrations, Sentimental and Comic Vocalism, Scenic Display, Instrumental Music, Local Extravaganza, Stump Oratory, &c., &c., ‘Ad Infinitum.’”