Central Park Mall
Harvey Bradley Dodworth
Price: Free
Event Type:
Last Updated:
4 December 2013
“The usual Saturday afternoon concert was performed yesterday by the Park Band, under the leadership of Harvey Dodworth. The programme commenced with the Park March, which has become a great favorite, and was followed by several fine selections from operas, &c. Schubert’s March No. 3, op. 44, was rendered in a very good style, as was also the Quickstep ‘Annie of the Vale.’
The lowering state of the weather prevented the usual large number from being present, nevertheless a very fair assemblage was present during the whole concert.
Among the recent additions to the Park is a colossal bronze representation of two eagles attacking a goat. It is at present on a temporary pedestal southwest of the music temple. Another monkey has been added to the Park collection—not that we consider it was much needed. The poor animal was too much scared yesterday to be introduced to the public, but will make his debut today.”