Butler's American Theatre [444 Bdway--before 3/66]
Proprietor / Lessee:
Robert W. [manager] Butler
Fred Van Olker
Ballet Director / Choreographer:
Paul Brilliant
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
7 August 2018
“Among the popular places of amusement to open next week is Mr. Butler’s American Music Hall, 444 Broadway. Mr. Butler closed a very successful engagement with his company in Boston on the 1st inst., their performances in that fastidious city being attended by large and fashionable audiences, the entertainments furnished by the New York company meeting with much favor. The great combination will inaugurate the season at 444 Broadway, on the 10th of August. This establishment is one of the popular favorite public resorts of New York, and Manager Butler is as popular with his company as with his patrons. There will be a great turn out—or turn in, rather—on the opening of the American.”
“Several years ago, we recollect going to what is known down East as ‘training day’—when all the military within a hundred miles of a certain town meet in grand array, to go through a general review. The occasion referred to above was the last one we attended, and never before within our recollection had we seen such a vast concourse of people as was assembled on that occasion. So great was the crowd that, even in the open fields, we found it a difficult matter to move about without laboring under much difficulty. This occurred ten years ago, and not withstanding the lapse of time, we were forcibly reminded of it on Saturday evening last, when we paid a visit to 444 Broadway. Stopping at the Box Office, we found the persevering Butler himself, who, perched upon a high stool, was counting and rolling up huge packages of greenbacks and postal currency, the result of the evening’s ‘bringing forth.’ Reaching the door, we managed to get inside, and that’s about all, for we soon discovered that every available spot was occupied. Even the standing room in the aisles and the lobby, up to the door, as well as the windows, were taken possession of. In a few minutes the time came for the orchestra to give an overture, when several who had become dry retired to the saloon. This made a slight opening in the crowd, and, taking advantage of it, we ‘squeeze’ [sic] ourselves in, and at last, got a good view of the stage. By this time the comic singer, Tony Pastor, put in an appearance, and gave with much zest several of his most popular songs, during which he was received with the most enthusiastic applause, and received a recall no less than three times. He finally finished with ‘Lannergan’s Ball,’ which, with him, is quite a morceau. Then came an act called ‘A Malicious Trespass,’ in which those sable comedians, Charley White, Bob Hart, and J. Wambold, appeared, and created a great deal of comic humor. Millie Flora sang the Kate Kearney medley with so much neatness that she received a hearty encore. Master Tommy’s characteristic song and dance was quite a feature of the evening’s entertainment. Miss Frances Le Roy, formerly of the Cubas ballet troupe, has become quite a favorite at this establishment. She sings with sweetness, and is a very graceful danseuse. She is also very useful in small parts in the afterpieces. Wambold’s banjo solos are made quite a feature of, and deservedly so, for he plays with much taste, and his songs are always right to the point, and of that kind that pleases. Always on hand with novelties, Manager Butler has brought out the latest sensation, the ‘Ghost,’ which is capitally done by Charley White and T.G. Riggs. We always knew that Charley was very funny, and the ‘Ghost’ settles that beyond a doubt. The two acts of ‘The Perfect Cure,’ and ‘The Happy Old Man,’ by Charles E. Collins, are given as that gentleman only can give them. He makes a ‘big thing’ out of them, and they—more particularly the ‘Cure’—have made him a great favorite here. The rest of the performances were given in a truly creditable manner. Manager Butler has a very tempting programme, which is the secret of his success.”