Swiss Schuetzenfest Concert

Event Information

Jones's Wood

A. [conductor] Hirschmann

Event Type:
Band, Choral

Record Information


Last Updated:
17 July 2014

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

18 Sep 1863, 3:00 PM

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed


Announcement: New-York Times, 16 September 1863, 5.

     “‘The Arion,’ who have kindly volunteered their agreeable and artistic aid.  The prizes will so far as possible be distributed at 6PM.  A table d’hide, served with all the delicacies of the season, is another advantage which host Somers offers, and the dancing music will be furnished by Hirschmann’s delightful Central Park Band.  There will be, no doubt, plenty of song, sentiment and oratory, but speakers are particularly requested by the Committee not to touch upon American politics.  This is the first attempt to establish in this country on a grand scale the great Shooting Festivals of Switzerland, and the charitable and patriotic purposes for which it has been organized will render the affair a memorable one not only to our Swiss and German, but to our native population.”