Jones's Wood
Price: $.25; children free
Event Type:
Band, Choral, Orchestral
Last Updated:
17 July 2014
“Saturday, the closing day of the great Swiss shooting festival, according to the programme, was to have witnessed a grand turn-out of sharpshooting amateurs, and gay people of all sexes and ages; for in the afternoon the celebrated Arion Singing Club, assisted by Hirschmann’s fine brass band, 20 pieces strong, was to have given a delightful concert, and in the evening the prizes were to have been distributed; the whole affair to conclude with a merry ball and supper. But the Clerk of the Weather had not been counted in the arrangements, and vented his spite accordingly.”
“The weather yesterday was all that the most ardent lover of rural pleasure and field sports could wish—clear, sunny, and yet not sultry—the glow of departing Summer tempered by the cool breath of advancing Autumn.
Consequently, the Swiss Shooting Club was in good luck with its beautiful festival, for from the earliest morn crowds began to flock toward the scene of festivity. . .
Between 4 and 5 the grand Concert of the Arion Singing Club was announced, and came off on the grand platform, under the wavy trees, the green wood echoing far away with their pleasant melodies. Assisted by Hirschmann’s fine band, they rendered, in their best style, the following programme: [lists program].
The towering form and jolly face of Mr. Goetz, of the ‘Arion,’ (not Goetz von Berlichingen) aided with his rich voice in giving due effect to the swelling chorus.
The concert was a delightful success, and seemed to inspire the multitude, which was now immense, with a fresh spirit of enjoyment.”