Event Information

Academy of Music

Event Type:
Choral, Opera

Record Information


Last Updated:
16 May 2012

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

07 Sep 1863, 10:00 AM

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New-York Times, 05 September 1863, 7.

     “Ladies and gentlemen of the chorus engaged for next season are requested to meet on MONDAY, Sept. 7, at the Academy of Music, at 10 A.M., for rehearsal.  Principal entrance Irving-place.  MAX MARETZEK.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 06 September 1863.

      “Italian Opera—Ladies and Gentlemen of the Chorus engaged for next season are requested to meet on Monday, September 7 at the Academy of Music at 10 A.M. for rehearsal.”  Signed, Max Maretzek.

Announcement: New-York Times, 07 September 1863.

     “Mr. Maretzek’s Italian chorus will be somewhat stronger than usual, and will embrace a number of new voices, trained by the impresario for the purpose of invigorating the old ones.”