Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek
Jaime Nuno
Event Type:
Last Updated:
29 August 2018
Verdi’s Macbeth will be performed, with J. Nuno, conductor.
The opera (Macbeth) is almost unknown to the New York public.
Ernani given in place of Macbeth, which was delayed until Wednesday to give more time for rehearsal.
“Ernani will be performed for the first and only time this season.”
“The celebrated opera of ‘Ernani’ will be revived here to-night with a cast which has never been approached in excellence in American, including Mme. Medori, Signors Mazzoleni, Yppolito and Biachi. The attendance promises to be exceedingly brilliant, and we have no doubt that a triumph will be achieved.”
"The revival of Ernani, which openend the week, was no less brilliant [than the other operas that week], although the critics had to pass over it [earlier]. But now they bow with pleasure before the truly enthusiastic welcome the audience gave this old acquaintance from the repertoire. Moreover, although not an irreproachable musical performance, the piece was played with admirable fire and harmony.."
“Verdi’s ‘Ernani’ has always been a most popular opera here. It is, beyond doubt, admirably suited to the artists of the Maretzek troupe, and whenever given by them always attracts a crowded house.
In the first act Mme. Medori sang the cavatina, ‘Ernani involami’ with great effect. She was warmly applauded and an encore was insisted upon by the audience. The duet between Mme. Medori and Signor Ipollito [sic], ‘Da quel di,’ was sung with much ensemble and spirit and was also much applauded. Signor Biachi sang the ‘Infelice’ superbly. He threw so much expression and power into his singing as to rouse the audience to enthusiastic plaudits.
The second act passed off successfully. In the third the romanza sung by Signor Ipollito was well received, while the magnificent ‘Carlo quinto’ finale created furor.
In the fourth act Signor Mazzoleni, who sang with great success during the opera, was much applauded for his admirable rendering of the ‘Solinge, errante, misero’ The terzetto finale was exceedingly well executed. In fact, the opera throughout was well sung. The choruses were as effective as could be desired, and the orchestra gave evidences of the careful training of an artistic management.”
“Rarely have we seen a richer display of our metropolitan opulence, beauty and fashion than was attracted to the Academy of Music last night; and till more rarely has ‘Ernani’ been rendered with a freshness, vivacity and power, more thrilling to the audience or more creditable to the principal artists engaged. Mme. Medori sang with all her usual fullness of tone, and more than her usual exactitude of vocalization. Her acting was as perfect as her execution was admirable. Yppolito, Mazzoleni and Biachi merited and received frequent and continuous applause. The chorus did tolerably well, and the orchestra was everything that could be desired.”
“An excellent and brilliant audience—the most metropolitan in character that we have seen this season—witnessed the performance of ‘Ernani’ last evening, and testified its approval of the same by repeated and long-continued bursts of applause. The opera is one that peculiarly suits Mr. Maretzek’s artists, whose voices are great and whose styles are vigorous. It is said that Verdi never wrote better than in this work; but it is perhaps sufficient to admit that he has provided a number of pieces that in energy and color are irresistible. ‘Ernani’ is one of the few operas where finales as well as solos and concerted pieces are encored. The furore last evening extended to everything, and the performance—which was an average one—may be set down as the most successful and enthusiastic of the season.”
Well attended. The opera is considered one of Verdi’s best works. The performance went well. It would have been even better, however, without the hoarseness and colds going around again. This time it affected the voices of the ‘Prince Karl’ and also Mme. Medori. She was able, however, to almost completely cover up her condition with her excellent acting and sensitivity in maneuvering her voice.