Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek
Jaime Nuno
Event Type:
Last Updated:
29 August 2018
“There was a rather thin audience. . . . Lorini was to make her last appearance of the season. Still the public did not liberally patronize Maretzek. These off nights are seldom as brilliant as the regular subscription evenings. The performances are often more satisfactory, as was the case last Saturday, when the ‘Lucrezia’ was so splendidly rendered . . . but the stockholders stay away on these off nights, the ultra fashionables also, and the glitter and show of their diamonds and toilets are lost to the general ensemble of the house. . . . [L]ast evening’s performance was quite as successful as any previous rendition of this truly great work.
Mme. Medori sang and acted in her usual most effective style, and was much applauded. Signors Bellini and Lotti were also very successful. . . . To our thinking, Signor Bellini has in Macbeth one of his very best roles. He sang and acted last evening extremely well. . . .
. . . [T]he choruses and orchestra were effective, as they always are under Maretzek’s management, and the performance was certainly very successful.”