The Champion

Event Information

Champion, The

Proprietor / Lessee:
Kate Stanton

Price: Free

Event Type:
Orchestral, Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
8 December 2010

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

16 Nov 1863, Evening

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New York Herald, 16 November 1863.

“Nine fairy like sprites, bedecked to represent the muses. . . . [M]ythological tableaux . . . [T]he advent of Auroran . . . The Salon de Promenade has been newly redecorated by a first class Italian artist, and the orchestra has been largely augmented, under the leadership of an accomplished maestro.”

COMMENT: The venue must have been open earlier, but ads do not appear until today, then they appear almst every day.