Brevoort House
Event Type:
Last Updated:
1 May 2014
“Serenade to Gen. Sickles.—The large and influential Committee of citizens who recently tendered Gen. Sickles a grand banquet at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, which he was compelled by ill health to decline, hearing that he had since arrived in town, have resolved to honor him with a serenade. Dodworth’s Band will convey this delicate compliment to the distinguished officer, at 9 o’clock this evening, at the Brevoort House. So interesting on [sic] occasion, with music and moonlight for the accessories, cannot fail to attract a large and brilliant assemblage.”
“Monster serenade to Gen. Sickles This Evening.—The gentleman who proposed the dinner to Maj. Gen. Sickles, mention of which was made yesterday, finding he is in town, and determined, in default of accepting a dinner, that he shall receive a serenade, give him on this evening at 9 o’clock, at the Brevoort House. It will be a monster affair, Dodworth’s full and splendid band, ‘doing the music,’ and in such style as has not been rivaled even by Julien; in short, it will be the most imposing musical demonstration ever given in New-York.”