Maretzek Italian Opera: Jone

Event Information

Academy of Music

Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek

Jaime Nuno

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
1 May 2014

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

30 Oct 1863, Evening

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Ultimo giorno di Pompei ; Last Days of Pompeii; Ione
Composer(s): Petrella
Text Author: Peruzzini


Announcement: New-York Times, 28 October 1863, 7.

“The Director respectfully calls attention to the fact that subscriptions for the first series of twelve Opera nights will expire on Friday Oct. 30, 1863.  Within the first subscription term the following Operas, nine in number, have been presented at the Academy of Music, namely: ‘Robert Devereux,’ ‘Norma,’ ‘Rigoletto,’ ‘Ione,’ ‘La Traviata,’ ‘Ernani,’ ‘Macbeth,’ ‘Martha,’ and ‘Il Trovatore.’  Taking into consideration certain adverse circumstances, such as the sudden illness of two principal artists, which at the outset of the season the management had to contend against, it is hoped that the public and regular patrons of the opera will concede that the programmes have been sufficiently varied.  Indeed, in no other opera-house of rank is it usual for a manger to present a like number of operas during the short period of four weeks.  The fall season will close with ensuing series of twelve opera nights, as the artists, one and all, and under contract to appear in Philadelphia and Boston, and the New-York Academy of Music is engaged to the German Opera Company from the 1st of December to the 1st of February 1864.  The regular Winter season of Italian Opera will begin, under the present management, during the first week in February 1864.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 28 October 1863, 1.
Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 29 October 1863.

Announcement: New York Post, 29 October 1863.

“‘Ione’ will be given and will close Mr. Maretzek’s first series of twelve operatic entertainments. This experiment has been so complete a success and the opera is now so thoroughly appreciated, that there is no doubt the new subscription, which is now open and commences on Monday, will be well patronized. ‘Lucrezia Borgia’ which is announced for the opening night, will be speedily fallowed by ‘Don Giovanni,’ ‘Judith,’ ‘Faust,’ and other novelties.”

Advertisement: New-York Times, 30 October 1863, 7.

Review: New York Herald, 31 October 1863, 6.

“The weather was exceedingly bad last evening; still there was a very large and fashionable audience at the Academy of Music. Petrella’s ‘Ione’ proves to be one of the most attractive operas which the Maretzek troupe can appear in, and we hope that before the close of the season we shall have it over and over again.

Mme. Medori as Ione achieves a well merited success each time she sings the role, which she acts with so much dramatic power and effect. She was much applauded last evening.

Mlle. Sulzer as Nydia was also very successful.

Signor Mazzoleni sings and acts the role of Glauco admirably. It must be conceded that he appears to immense advantage in it. He is so graceful in all his motions, never outstepping the natural, but always most effective. In the delirium scene he is certainly unrivalled. He sang the brindisi last evening with even more than his usual entrain and expression, and received immense applause. With the other artists, he was called out at the end of each act.

Signor Bellini was as successful as usual, while Biachi, who sang remarkably well, received hearty and well deserved plaudits.

As is always the case, ‘Ione’ was an immense success.”

Review: New-York Times, 31 October 1863, 6.

"The performance last evening, being the twelfth, was the final one of Mr. Maretzek’s first subscription season. Of the general results we know nothing, but we presume that the campaign has been moderately successful. There was no lack of energy on the part of Mr. Maretzek, and although the artists were sick and unreliable at the commencement of the season, they came up to time at its close, and in two or three operas achieved as many successes. The manager announces a fresh subscription. It will commence on Monday, when ‘Lucrezia Borgia’ will be played for the first time this season, with special attractions in the second parts. Those who intend assisting Mr. Maretzek and themselves (for in paying for twelve nights in advance they do the one, and in securing the best seats they do the other) should remember that the new subscription opens to-day, and that the rule is first come first served.”

Review: Courrier des États-Unis, 02 November 1863.

     ". . . Ione. . . confirmed its popularity one last time through the most exciting of all evidence: it had attracted one of the biggest houses of the season, in spite of weather that wouldn't have brought a single chorus-member to the door."