Bryants’ Minstrels

Event Information

Mechanic's Hall

Price: $.25

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
11 May 2015

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

14 Mar 1864, 7:45 PM
15 Mar 1864, 7:45 PM
16 Mar 1864, 7:45 PM
17 Mar 1864, 7:45 PM
18 Mar 1864, 7:45 PM
19 Mar 1864, 7:45 PM

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed

Participants:  Dan Bryant (role: Rapheal Moco);  Nelse Seymour (role: Giovanni Du, M.D.);  Dave [minstrel] Reed (role: Simon, his valet)
aka Tin panonion; Tin-pan-on-ion; Tinpanonion; Tin pan onion; Tin Pano-ni-on; Tin-pan-o-ni-on
aka Sally come up
aka Stocks up and stocks down
aka Black Brigade, De; Black brigade horse cavalry
Composer(s): Emmett
Text Author: Emmett
aka Mac's essence; Little Mac's essence of Old Virginia
aka Exempt Shaking Quakers; Exempt Shakers from Lebanon Town; Lebanon Shakers, The ; Shaking Quakers
aka Perfect cure
aka Jumbo Jim's college


Advertisement: New York Herald, 14 March 1864.

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 19 March 1864, 392.
Review: New York Clipper, 26 March 1864, 395.

“St. Patrick’s day [sic] in the morning turned out to be such a fine day in the evening that the sons of Erin came forth in their might, and helped to fill up every place of amusement in the city. The day and the night were alike beautiful, and we never saw ‘the day we celebrate’ made so much of as on this festive occasion. Bryants’ Minstrels had about as great a squeeze as they have ever had, and the fun was never more enjoyable. The brides of Garryowen, of Limerick, and of Down-derry-down, were there in full feather, while the right and tight Irish lads who attended them were rigged out in their best, cracking jokes with the comedians upon the stage, and contributing to the enjoyment of all present. It was a happy family gathering, a fraternization of ‘the orator, dramatist, minstrel, who ran thro’ each mode of their’ biz., and ‘was master of all.’ The Bryants are certainly great favorites with the ladies, for go when you will, in moonlight or in storm, the pretty faces of many colleens may be seen at Bryants’ hall. Says the poet—

            ‘Woman’s heart was made for minstrels’ hands alone,

            By other fingers played it yields not half the tone.’”