Announcement:New York Clipper, 09 April 1864, 411.
Advertisement:New York Clipper, 09 April 1864, 415.
Review:New York Clipper, 16 April 1864, 4.
“Black opera, under the impressarioship of Dannelli Bryanti more than keeps pace with the 14th street shop, for nothing stops a crowd from gathering at Mechanic’s Hall.If the boys could enlarge their hall by taking in Crosby street, we believe they would still turn money away.We tried to edge in at 472 Broadway one night last week, but we got squeezed worse than at the Fair, and we therefore beat what a brigadier general would call ‘a masterly retreat.’”
Review:New York Clipper, 16 April 1864, 4.
“Dan Bryant was on Saturday last, subsequent to the evening entertainment, the recipient of a valuable testimonial of personal esteem and respect, in the shape of a magnificent solid silver banjo, of exquisite manufacture, made by—Dobson. . . . At a later period of the evening, Dan was also the recipient of a splendid signet ring from a valued personal friend.”