Butler’s Combination Troupe

Event Information

Butler's American Theatre [444 Bdway--before 3/66]

Manager / Director:
Robert W. [manager] Butler

David Braham

Ballet Director / Choreographer:
Antonio Grossi

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
1 November 2016


Advertisement: New York Herald, 05 June 1864.

Works, performers.  “Special Performance on Saturday Afternoon.  NOTICE.—First appearance of JOHNNY PIERCE, the Renowned Ethipoian Comedian, on Monday Evening, June 6.”

COMMENT: No NYH ADS Tues-Sat this week.
Announcement: New York Clipper, 11 June 1864, 70.
“Only a few weeks more will the numerous patrons of ‘444’ Broadway be permitted to enjoy the performances of the company now engaged at that house. . . . [Visit] the gay and happy ‘American,’ where the dance, the song, the laugh predominate, and where a mighty big show is given for very little money.”
Advertisement: New York Clipper, 11 June 1864, 72.

Advertisement: New York Herald, 11 June 1864.
Matinee time.  “MATINEE for the accommodation of LADIES AND CHILDREN.”
Review: New York Clipper, 18 June 1864, 78.
“444 continues to be crowded every night. . . . Look at the array of talent now performing at this little mint of Manager Butler’s.  First on the list comes the ladies, and where can there be found such a charming bevy of them as here?  Lizzie Schultze, Millie Flora, and Mary Blake lead off in the terpsichorean line, followed up by the La Point Sisters, the Ross Sisters, Florence Wells, Lizzie Whelpley, and the full corps de ballet, under the direction of Mons. Grossi, the maitre de ballet.  Next comes Tony Pastor, who as comic singer has no rival on the American stage, and with his budget of comic songs is sure to please every taste.  In the Ethiopian department we find . . . Charley White, James Wambold (a tip-topper on the banjo), Master Tommy, Billy Burke, Billy Emmet [sic], and Ed Murray.  Mr. James Maffit, a very clever pantominist and low comedian, appears in an afterpiece every night.”