Fox’s Old Bowery Theatre

Event Information

Fox's Old Bowery Theatre (until 1/67)

Proprietor / Lessee:
George Washington Lafayette Fox

Manager / Director:
George Washington Lafayette Fox

Event Type:
Play With Music, Orchestral

Record Information


Last Updated:
16 July 2011

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

05 May 1864, Evening

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Richard III; Richard the Third; Richard the Third; or, The Battle of Bosworth Field
Text Author: Shakespeare
Composer(s): Thomas


Advertisement: New York Herald, 05 May 1864.
“[O]verture by the orchestra.”
Review: New York Clipper, 15 May 1864, 38.
“Shakespeare held possession of the Old Bowery through the week, and though the several plays produced were put upon the stage in very fair style, and the stock company did their best to give due effect to the creations of the great author, yet the legitimate failed to make a deep impression; and the sensational and illegitimate will be resumed this week, Manager Fox being too wily a strategist to neglect the signs of the times, or to press upon the patrons of his house a surfeit of dishes that are not palatable.”