Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
21 Nov 1864, 7:45 PM
22 Nov 1864, 7:45 PM
23 Nov 1864, 7:45 PM
24 Nov 1864, 7:45 PM
25 Nov 1864, 7:45 PM
26 Nov 1864, 7:45 PM
Program Details
Selected music by the orchestra, under the baton of H. B. Dodworth.
Performers and/or Works Performed
Advertisement: New York Herald, 18 November 1864.
Advertisement: New York Clipper, 19 November 1864, 255.
“The cast will be of unusual strength. The scenery, complicated machinery, dresses and appointments entirely new.”
Announcement: New York Clipper, 19 November 1864, 254.
Advertisement: New-York Times, 21 November 1864, 7.
Announcement: New-York Times, 21 November 1864, 5.
Announcement: New York Herald, 21 November 1864.
Advertisement: New-York Times, 23 November 1864, 7.
Selected music by the orchestra, under the baton of H. B. Dodworth.
Review: New-York Times, 23 November 1864, 5.
No mention of music. A “complete success. . . .The tableau of the first act dragged; the tableau of the second act held fire; the tableau of the third act missed altogether.”
Advertisement: New York Herald, 23 November 1864.
Full cast list given. In the second act there is a grand masquerade introducing the celebrated Martinetti Family, Mad. Lina Windel, and a full corps de ballet under the direction of Mons. Grossi, Maitre de Ballet. Selected music under the direction of H.B. Dodworth.