Varieties Theatre - Re-Opening Under New Management

Event Information

Varieties Theatre

Proprietor / Lessee:
George [Varieties] Lea

Ballet Director / Choreographer:
Mons. Szollosy

Price: $.10;.20;.50

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
12 May 2012

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

05 Dec 1864, Evening
06 Dec 1864, Evening
07 Dec 1864, Evening
07 Dec 1864, 3:00 PM
08 Dec 1864, Evening
09 Dec 1864, Evening
10 Dec 1864, Evening

Program Details

W. B. [Cavanaugh] Cavanagh, stage manager; H. A. Hanker, Acting and Business Manager.

Change of management. George Lea is now the proprietor.

Performers and/or Works Performed


Announcement: New York Clipper, 03 December 1864, 270.

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 03 December 1864, 267.

     “[W]ill open with an entire New Company.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 04 December 1864, 7.

     Lists the full company.  “Change of Management.  George Lea, formerly Proprietor of the Melodeon, Broadway, and of various other places of amusement in different parts of the United States, respectfully announces that he will open the Varities To-Morrow (Monday), Dec. 5, with a company of artistes that cannot be excelled in the United States or in the world. . . . The Largest Concert Theatre in America. . . . A splendid selection of Dramas, Spectacles, Pantomimes and Farces. . . . The orchestra under the direction of Mr. Joseph Braham.  The season will be inaugurated with a Grand National Tableau, in which all the artistes will appear, and a Patriotic Address will be delivered. . . . The Ballet will be under the direction of Mons. Szollosi, and will consist of Twenty-Five Young Ladies. . . . Ladies’ Popular Matinee Wednesday Afternoon, at 3.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 04 December 1864, 4.

     Listed in “Amusements To-Morrow Evening.”  “Ballets, Pantomimes, Songs, Burlesques.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 07 December 1864, 7.

     “Family Matinee” listed at 2:30 pm.

COMMENT: Earlier ads said the matinee was at 3 pm.


Advertisement: New York Clipper, 10 December 1864, 279.

     List of artists under Lea’s management who may be appearing at one of his various venues.  “[C]apabale of seating FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE. . . . Artists will bear in mind that the Varieties Theatre is not exclusively for gentlemen (as most Concert Halls are), but the Dress Circle is nightly thronged with ladies and families.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 10 December 1864, 278.

     List of the company.  “The Varieties in the Bowery changed hands last week.”