Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek
Max Maretzek
Price: $1.00, no reserved seats
Event Type:
Last Updated:
17 May 2012
“Miss Kellogg was as charming as usual in Marie—a part for which her talents as an actress, her vocal capacity, and her personal appearance peculiarly befit her. The opera generally was well sung and well received. The weather yesterday was anything but inviting, in fact it was abominable; still there is an attraction in a matinee which even clouded skies and muddy streets cannot conquer, as the audience yesterday proved.”
“ ….Mlle Kellogg finds one of her best roles in la Fille du Régiment, and the applause of the public at the matinee, ordinarily cool enough, justly avenged the inept attacks of which she had been the object.”
“On Saturday the “Daughter of Regiment” [sic] was repeated at the Matinée, and attracted a good audience, notwithstanding the snow-storm. Miss Kellogg sang admirably, so much so that the Herald has taken back all that it said against her in a recent editorial. . . . Signor Susini’s Sergeant Sulpice is a very amusing and somewhat vociferous performance. Signor Lotti was in good voice, and prudently avoided those upper regions, where disaster not unfrequently is encountered.”
“The matinee on Saturday was unusually well attended, in spite of the weather. Miss Kellogg’s Marie, in ‘La Figlia del Regimiento,’ is unquestionably one of her most beautiful performances; her acting was simple and graceful, and her voice in excellent condition. She was received, perhaps in consequence of the efforts that have been lately made to injustice, with marked enthusiasm. Even the critics of the Herald, who have hitherto deprecated the merits of this vocalist, are at last compelled to acknowledge her genuine merits.”