Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek
Angelo Torriani
Event Type:
Last Updated:
21 April 2012
“Our confidence in this Spartan resolve is somewhat shaken, too, by noticing that the comic opera of ‘Crispino e la Comare,’ which was played for the ‘last’ time on Tuesday of the past week, will be repeated to-morrow night. At the time we ventured to suggest that it was a pity to shelve this very agreeable work. It is with entire satisfaction, therefore, that we hear of its restoration to the programme.”
“We understand that, notwithstanding the numerous inquiries on the subject, ‘Crispino’ can only be given this evening, as other operas must be performed in advance of the new opera ‘L’ Africaine.’”
“Another charming performance . . . last night, before a very large audience only added to the popularity of this most enjoyable work.”
“Academy of Music.—‘Crispino e la Comare’ was given to a very good audience last night, in the same manner as before, and elicited the greatest applause and merriment. The trio of the doctors was duly encored, and the finale of the second act was enthusiastically received. Mr. Maretzek may congratulate himself upon the success of ‘Crispino,’ which, on Saturday last , when it was given at a matinee, attracted a crowd of ladies, which actually filled every nook of the house. In this connection, we may mention that Mr. Maretzek's artists on Saturday last sang a matinee and at an opera in the evening, while three or four gave a concert in Boston, and that notwithstanding this rather heavy strain upon the operatic forces, there were still some four or five of the best artists of Mr. Maretzek's troupe disengaged. This fact alone illustrates sufficiently the strength of the company.”