American Theatre

Event Information

Butler's American Theatre [444 Bdway--before 3/66]

Proprietor / Lessee:
Robert W. [manager] Butler

Manager / Director:
Robert W. [manager] Butler

Ballet Director / Choreographer:
Antonio Grossi

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
29 April 2012

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

27 Nov 1865, 7:30 PM
28 Nov 1865, 7:30 PM
29 Nov 1865, 7:30 PM
30 Nov 1865, 7:30 PM
01 Dec 1865, 7:30 PM
02 Dec 1865, Matinee
02 Dec 1865, 7:30 PM

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New-York Times, 27 November 1865, 7.

“Corps de Ethiope, in their Negro Burlesques, Acts, songs, Dances, &c.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 02 December 1865, 270.

Review: New York Clipper, 09 December 1865, 278.

We Visited 444 on Saturday evening last [12/02] for the purpose of seeing the show, but it was with the greatest difficulty we could get a sight of the stage.  We found not only every seat in the house occupied, but the aisles were very crowded.  All the windows along the side alley were filled, and out in the alley were a number of spectators standing on barrels, peeping in at the windows.  The two stoves in the rear of the parquet were also taken possession of,   several persons sitting upon and clinging to them.  At this state of affairs our chance was a very poor one; however, we managed by considerable squeezing to get a standpoint and see a little of the performance. Thompson and Kerns were doing a double song and dance, in which act they have no superiors in the business.  They have a host of imitators, but they excel every one we have ever seen.  The plantation dance of ‘Red Hot’ followed, introducing Charley White, James Wambold, Denny Gallagher and others, who did the thing up in true plantation style.  The afterpiece was an allegory in three tableaux, entitled ‘Fenianism, or Ireland, Past, Present and Future,’ which was very well done.”