Thorpe and Overin’s Minstrels

Event Information

Temple of Music

Manager / Director:
George [Minstrel] Gray

Joseph [conductor] Braham

Price: $.30 family circle; .50 parquet

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
7 June 2016

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

27 Nov 1865, 7:45 PM
28 Nov 1865, 7:45 PM
29 Nov 1865, 7:45 PM
30 Nov 1865, 7:45 PM
01 Dec 1865, 7:45 PM
02 Dec 1865, 7:45 PM

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Lancashire trippings
aka Scottish nigger


Advertisement: New York Herald, 20 November 1865, 7.

List of “Minstrel Nationalities.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 25 November 1865, 262.

Two Daniels Come to Burnt Cork.—Two gentlemen enjoying the euphonious names of Thorpe and Overin, having more money than they know what to do with, have leased the church corner of Grand and Crosby streets, for the purpose of giving minstrel performances.  In their bulletin they state, having long felt the great necessity of a salutary change in negro minstrelsy, they submit to the public the following considerations.  ‘The predominant desire of the age is for a higher order of popular entertainment, that shall conduce to the greatest degree of exhilaration and mirthfulness at the least expense, to the end that humanity may ‘laugh and grow fat.’  It is a matter of regret that in caricaturing that peculiar order of the human species, the Negro, many of the profession ignore the essential fact that none but true gentlemen make the perfect artist in delineating or caricaturing either the higher or the lower order of humanity.  Again, the unvarying monotony of minstrel entertainments has served to considerably reduce their efficiency and popularity.  The undersigned have, at an expense of much time, care and effort, succeeded in organizing such a combination of proficiency and talent as shall completely remove the above objections, and satisfy the highest demands of an appreciating public.  The greatest degree of amusement and enjoyment compatible with decency, morality and respectability.’  Shades of Jerry Bryant and E. P. Christy, what have ye to say to this?  Messrs. Bryant Brothers, Manager Wood and the Frisco boys, look well to your managerial laurels, for they are in great danger.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 26 November 1865, 3.

Advertisement: New-York Daily Tribune, 27 November 1865, 3.

Full description of acts.

Advertisement: New-York Times, 27 November 1865, 7.

Announcement: New-York Times, 27 November 1865, 4.

Review: New York Herald, 28 November 1865, 4.

Thorpe and Overin's Minstrels.—  The above company presented last evening, in their new hall, corner of Grand and Crosby streets, a varied and interesting programme, which was duly appreciated by a crowd which filled the spacious building to repletion. The troupe numbers twenty-three members, and the appearance of each, attired in the costume of the nationality he represented was at once beautiful and grotesque. The opening programme comprised song and chorus, burlesque and dance, and each of the members displayed a proficiency in his branch throwing the efforts of previous minstrel bands in the shade. The songs—many of which were new—were rendered finely, the dances gracefully and the burlesque ridiculously. All were pleased; and, from the frequent encores of the audience, we promise a brilliant and lengthened success to the company. A programme of a similar nature will be presented through the week, and successive novelties are announced for an early representation. With a troupe like that of Thorpe and Overin anything may be done.”

Review: New York Herald, 30 November 1865, 4.

Thorpe and Overin's Minstrels.—This troupe is producing a very pleasing excitement, attended with immense success to the management, at the Temple of Music, corner of Grand and Crosby Streets. Minstrels of all nations appear there this evening, to the number of twenty-two performers, in beautiful tableaux, new and racy jokes, original ballads, and a most varied bill of entertainment. No wonder the Temple is jammed.”

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 02 December 1865, 267.

“Beautiful Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartets, and full Choruses; Orchestral Accompaniments and Concerted Music, by musicians culled from the finest companies in the World. . . . Dances of All Nations, Songs of All Nations, New Overture; New Banjo Solos; Mississippi Fling; Original Comic Songs; Double Song and Dance; Lancashire Clog; General Grant’s Raw Recruit; Song and Dance; New Local Hits.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 02 December 1865, 270.

“Thorp [sic] and Overin's Minstrels, a new organization, commence at the Church, corner of Grand and Crosby street, this evening.  The company will represent all the nations and will be clad in their respective national costumes. They have fitted the hall up in pretty good style, and, if business warrants, intend to locate there permanently.”