Balthasar Kissenberth
Mr. [choral conductor] Hübner
Event Type:
Last Updated:
20 July 2015
“The singing club, ‘Harmonia,’ held a vocal and instrumental concert, along with a dance, yesterday at the Harmonie-Garten on Essex Street. under the direction of their able director Mr. Hühnen [sic] ‘Harmonia’ sang several choruses very nicely, [but] the favorite was the Soldiers’ song from Donizetti’s ‘The Daughter of the Regiment,’ presented with vigor and passion. ‘Harmonia’ distinguished itself by performing correctly and with assuredness Abt’s lovely song, ‘The Spring,’ which had been substituted in place of Blum’s Nocturno. The achievements of Mr. Kissenberth’s competent orchestra and of the double quartet, which performed in this concert, also deserve mention. The arrangement of the ball, which followed the concert, brought honor to the proprietor, Mr. Sulzer, and to the event’s committee. Attendance at this celebration suffered somewhat from the fact that almost every singing club in our city held an entertainment or dance last evening.”