New Yorker Allgemeiner Sängerbund

Event Information

Jones's Wood

Price: $.25

Event Type:
Band, Choral

Performance Forces:

Record Information


Last Updated:
7 June 2016


Announcement: New York Herald, 10 August 1865, 4.

“The delegates of the Allgemeine Saengerbund, representing some four hundred singers of the societies Colonia, Germania, Harmonia, Social Reform Liedertafel, Loreley, Rheinisches, Saengerbund, Williamsburg Saengerbund, Schillerbund, Allemania, and others, met last night at the Metropolitan Assembly Rooms, in Hester street, to make preparations for a grand summer-night’s festival to take place at Jones’ Wood on Monday next.”

Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 12 August 1865.
Announcement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 14 August 1865.
Review: New York Herald, 15 August 1865, 8.

“The New York Allgemeine Saengerbund, a union of German glee clubs and musical societies, held a summer night’s festival at Jones’ Wood last night, which, like all of the festivities arranged by this organization, was a well patronized affair.  The festival grounds were open at four o’clock in the afternoon, but ubtil about seven or eight o’clock the numberof visitors was not large, fior the majority of the members of the various societies, participating in the festival appeared later in the evening, after the hours of business. The Saengerbund, by whom the festival was arranged, is composed of the following societies, representing some four hundred singers:—Allemania, Colonia, Germania, Harmonia, Soreley [sic], Saengerbund of Williamsburg, Rheinischer Saengerbund, Schillerbund and Social Reform Gesang Verein.

          Besides these the following societies participated in the affair:—Helvetica, Mozart Maennerchor, Social Maennerchor, and the Anshcuetz Maennerchor, which is quite a new organization.  The New York Turn Verein, on invitation, was also represented on the festival ground by a portion of its members.

          Dancing was continued during the whole night, and during a portion of the night both platforms in the park were occupied by the dancers.  Both platforms fully illuminated.  The various societies were distributed at different points in the park, where the singers, at intervals, rendered a number of favorite national songs—the compositions of favorite authors; and most of these compositions were rendered with great success.  The musical exercises are always the greatest feature of the German festivals.

          The music was furnished by Hirschmann’s music corps.  The summer night’s festival of the Saengerbund, as a whole, was quite a successful and a rather select affair. No disturbances occurred; for, under the present management of the Jones’ Wood grounds, under Mr. Schildknecht, measures have been taken to keep off all thieves and loafers, by whom the neighborhood on former occasions has been infested. A sufficient police was on the ground to protect the singers from any invasion of roughs.

          The Saengerbund has existed as such since 1851, and received about a year ago its charter.”

Review: New York Post, 15 August 1865, 2.

“A summer night’s festival was held by the New York Allgemeine Sængerbund, at Jones’s Wood, beginning at four o’clock last evening and concluding at an early hour in the morning.  A considerable number of the German glee clubs and musical societies were represented, as well as the Turnverein.  The grounds were illuminated; the two dancing platforms were decorated with great care; the musical societies occupied various parts of the woods; and there were music and dancing until the close of the festival.  The music was excellent, and was the most attractive feature of the entertainments.”

Review: New York Herald, 30 August 1865, 5.

“The Proceeds of the Late Saengerfest.”

Cash on hand                            1454.05

Contributions by members           578.00

Ernst O. Bernet                           500.00

Schildknecht & Co.                      700.00

Proceeds of the concerti             6777.50

For private boxes                        467.00

Proceeds from the picnic            6302.00

From the sale of text books         105.57
