Monte Cristo

Event Information

Olympic Theatre

Proprietor / Lessee:
Mrs. John Wood

Manager / Director:
Mrs. John Wood

Event Type:
Play With Music

Record Information


Last Updated:
14 August 2012

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

04 Dec 1865, 7:45 PM
05 Dec 1865, 7:45 PM
06 Dec 1865, 7:45 PM
07 Dec 1865, 7:45 PM
08 Dec 1865, 7:45 PM
09 Dec 1865, 7:45 PM

Program Details

J. H. Selwyn, stage manager.
Monte Cristo includes a "grand ballet" (ballet diverissement, unidentified).

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New-York Times, 04 December 1865, 7.

     Cast listing.  “Music Arranged Expressly By Thomas Baker. . . . A Drama of Hope, Despair and Revenge, dramatized expressly for the Olympic, from the celebrated romance of A. Dumas. . . . During the piece, a Grand Ballet, by the following artists; Mlle. Giulietta Bronner and M. Giuseppe Cardella, from the Royal operas of Turin, Milan, &c., The Beautiful Danseuse Mlle. Elise, Mons. Leon, Mr. W. Conrad, &c., &c.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 09 December 1865, 278.

     “‘The Sleeping Beauty,’ after a successful and profitable run at the Olympic, gives way this evening to the spectacle of ‘Monte Cristo,’ with that excellent actor E. L. Davenport in the leading role, Mr. Davenport having been engaged expressly for the piece, and whose stay there has been limited to twelve weeks. . . . A large and efficient ballet has been secured.”