American Theatre

Event Information

Butler's American Theatre [444 Bdway--before 3/66]

Manager / Director:
Robert W. [manager] Butler

David Braham

Ballet Director / Choreographer:
Antonio Grossi

Price: $.15 gallery; .25 parquet; .50 orchestra; $5 private boxes

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
6 May 2012

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

29 May 1865, 7:45 PM
30 May 1865, 7:45 PM
31 May 1865, 7:45 PM
01 Jun 1865, 7:45 PM
02 Jun 1865, 7:45 PM
03 Jun 1865, 2:30 PM
03 Jun 1865, 7:45 PM

Program Details

J. S. Maffit, stage manager.

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Nan, the good for nothing; Nan the good for nothing ; Crazy Nan
Text Author: Buckstone
Text Author: Morton


Advertisement: New York Herald, 29 May 1865.
Review: New York Clipper, 03 June 1865, 62.

     “A Butler is a very handy man to have in a large house, but the Butler in the establishment known to all young New York as 444 Broadway is not only indispensable, but he is the right man in the right place.  Ever since 1860 Mr. Robert Butler has managed this place, beside one other in this city, and two in Philadelphia.  By close attention to business, engaging talent whenever it offered, and prompt in the payment of his salaries, he gained the confidence of every performer in the business.  Manager Butler has paid some of the highest salaries of any one in the business.  His hall is at present in the full tide of success.  A man can not only enjoy himself there with the witching beauties of the ballet, the fun of the pantomimists, the warbling of the vocalists, and eccentricities of the negro comedians, but he can at the same time lay off and at his ease and puff his Havana and smoke his dudeen.  The company at present engaged here is in many respects equal to any in the country.  Mr. Charles E. Collins is a very versatile performer, and has gained a reputation in this country by his performance of ‘The Cure.’  We saw him do this act when he first came to this country about three years ago, and we also saw him do it last week, and we were very much disappointed with him; he has deteriorated very much, and now fails to make any sensation.  He seems very careless, and does not take that interest in his performance as of yore.  Probably this is owing to the fact that he has heretofore had no trouble in obtaining engagements.  If he expects to ‘keep his brace,’ he must be more attentive to his business.  His act of ‘Happy Old Man’ is a pretty good thing.  The Ethiopian business could not be in better hands than those of Charley White, Denny Gallagher, and James Wambold, who appear every night in some of the most laughable phases of darkey life it is possible for any one to represent.  In this vocal department Agnes Sutherland and Fanny Archer are the principal features; these ladies are charming singers, and are great favorites with the audiences.  The ballet, under the direction of Mons. Grossi, is led by Lizzie Schultze and Millie Flora, two very lively dancers, who from their long connection with this place, have become fairly established in the hearts of the habitues.  In the ballet there are several very promising solo dancers, among whom are the La Point Sisters, Viro Farrand, Lizzie Whelpley, Emma Rose, and Florence Wells.  Master Tommy does a good song and dance for one of his age, and James Quinn is also good in the burnt cork line.  A farce is given every night, in which Maffit, Bartholomew and Lizzie Schultze are the leading features.  Maffit plays low comedy and does pantomime very well, and in several of the pieces Bartholomew plays the old man and in others low comedy.  Lizzie Schultze is also well up in speaking characters.”

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 03 June 1865, 64.
Announcement: New York Clipper, 10 June 1865, 70.

     Butler will close the American Theatre shortly while the troupe plays in Boston.