Central Park Mall
Harvey Bradley Dodworth
Price: Free
Event Type:
Last Updated:
19 September 2012
“Owing to [the threatening weather] the number of visitors was considerably smaller than usual. Precisely at four o’clock the overture to ‘Le Cheval de Bronze’ was given, and the other selected pieces followed in rapid succession. Among them were several selections from ‘Maritana,’ which elicited considerable applause from the audience. About five o’clock a few drops of rain fell, and the visitors immediately began to leave the Park or seek shelter beneath the Terrace and in the Casino. During the summer there has been but one Saturday when the music was omitted in consequence of rain.”
Includes statistics on park attendance from 1861 to 1865. “The attendance at the Park yesterday was quite small, owing to the threatening state of the weather. In all there were not more than five or six thousand persons present. The programme furnished by Harvey B. Dodworth and his superb Park Band was fully up to the high established standard so long maintained since the inauguration of these popular al fresco concerts, the Saturday music-days.”