Central Park Mall
Harvey Bradley Dodworth
Price: Free
Event Type:
Last Updated:
11 October 2012
“At the Park.—The attendance on Saturday at Central Park during the afternoon was immense—probably exceeding that of any music-day this season. The number of carriages was perfectly astonishing; and for a long time after the concert there was a steady tide of vehicles down Fifth. ave., returning from the really charming entertainment which the Commissioners of the Park had provided. The concert was more than [illeg.] satisfactory; the programme including two overtures, a movement from Beethoven’s Second Symphony, and a selection from ‘The Huguenots,’ the latter being embellished with several difficult passages for the cornet, wherein Mr. T. J. Dodworth found ample opportunity to display his skill as a performer on that instrument. We understand that at future concerts there will be additional symphony performances. . . .The Park is now in its fullest glory.
. . .The series of open-air concerts will be continued during the present season so long as the weather is suitable.”
Ends with a discussion on the need for a larger band. See AR: 09/18/65 – Article on the need for a large band.
“The day at the Park, yesterday, was one of surpassing beauty, the cool air and bright sky were doubly enjoyed by the assembled thousands, who, during the afternoon, wandered through the walks of the Park and listened to the music performed by the band. . . .
It was calculated that the crowd within the Park yesterday exceeded that assembled on any previous music day this season.”