Five Points House of Industry
Event Type:
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
6 May 2012
“The Children of the Five Points Mission (site of the old Brewery), will have their concert in the Mission chapel, on Wednesday evening, the 31st instant. A large platform and staging have been erected so that the singing and calisthenics may be witnessed by the whole congregation.”
“A concert was given last evening, not at the Academy of Music, nor at Niblo’s, nor at Irving Hall, but at the Five Points. It was given by the children of the school, to the number of four hundred, boys and girls, dressed like little butterflies and wearing cheerful countenances. There was no uniformity of dress on the children to suggest the idea of cold charity, but all were differently attired. The exercises consisted entirely of singing, in solos, duets and choruses of patriotic, religious, and comic music, with an accompaniment from a piano. The concert was terminated by singing the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ in a general chorus, which was followed by a benediction from Rev. Mr. Shaffer, the Superintendent of the institution. The whole programme was well arranged and creditably carried out.”