Amateur Minstrel Troupe of Companies B and I, Twenty-Second Regiment

Event Information

Twenty-Second Regiment Armory

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
11 September 2012

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

30 Dec 1865, Evening

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Julien burlesque; Julian burlesque; Monster Jullien concert


Review: New York Herald, 01 January 1866, 2.

     “Part first of the performances consisted of comic and sentimental songs, overture and chorus by the minstrels, which were all creditably rendered and received with good favor by the audience. Part second comprised a variety of comic performances, songs and dances, which were also finely performed and well received.

     “The ‘Burlesque Julien Concert,’ arranged by Adolph Nichols (lately of the San Francisco Minstrels), was given in a style which would do credit to many of the professional troupes now in existence…Mr. Frank B. Converse, in a masterly divertissement on the banjo, introducing ‘Trinity Church Chimes,’ fully sustained his well-earned reputation.

     “The principal feature of the entertainment, however, was the appearance of Mr. Rollin Howard (formerly of Bryants’) as Madame Index Fabbri-co, a prima donna, who has appeared in Cork with great success. The old habitués of Bryants’ will no doubt remember the ‘Italian Airs by Native Artists’ as given by Dan Bryant and Rollin Howard, and to them it is only necessary to say that Mr. Howard appears to gaining, if possible, in his particular line.  To those who are not acquainted with Mr. Howard’s peculiar rôle it need only be said that in representing a prima donna he sung on Saturday evening last, without great apparent effort and with great strength and clearness, as high as ‘G sharp’ in the alto. The acting of Mr. Howard as well as his vocalization was almost faultless, and was greeted with the most unbounded applause.”