Barnum’s New American Museum

Event Information

Barnum's New American Museum [SEP 65-MAR 68]

Price: $.30; .15 children under ten

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
26 June 2012

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

19 Mar 1866, All Day

Program Details

Open daily from sunrise until 10 pm.

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New-York Times, 19 March 1865, 7.
Review: New York Clipper, 31 March 1866, 406.

“How pleasant to sit, at the close of the day, in a nice, comfortable seat at Barnum’s Museum, and enjoy that highly seasoned scriptural drama called ‘Moses;’ to know that while others are wickedly passing the hours of Holy Week in a play house, we are piously giving encouragement to ‘Israel in Egypt,’ and witnessing with heartfelt pleasure the destruction of Pharaoh and his hosts by a spring freshet in the Red Sea. . . . In addition to ‘Moses,’ you can see ‘two wild Australian Children’ at the Museum; in their early days they were called the Aztec children, but since their residence with a civilized people they have deteriorated into ‘wild Australians,’ much to our regret and sorrow.”