Bryants’ Minstrels

Event Information

Mechanic's Hall

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
18 October 2012

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

08 Jan 1866, 7:45 PM
09 Jan 1866, 7:45 PM
10 Jan 1866, 7:45 PM
11 Jan 1866, 7:45 PM
12 Jan 1866, 7:45 PM
13 Jan 1866, 7:45 PM

Program Details

Rollin Howard WED-SAT only.

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Work
aka Ici on parle francais
Text Author: Williams
aka Black-eyed William; Black eyed William
Text Author: White
Participants:  Dan Bryant (role: William Henry)
aka Jocko, a mischievous monkey; Monkeyana; Monkey act; Little Mac as the monkey
Participants:  Little [minstrel] Mac
aka Tin panonion; Tin-pan-on-ion; Tinpanonion; Tin pan onion; Tin Pano-ni-on; Tin-pan-o-ni-on
Participants:  Dan Bryant (role: conductor, Sig. Dano Bryanti)
aka Exempt Shaking Quakers; Exempt Shakers from Lebanon Town; Lebanon Shakers, The ; Shaking Quakers
aka Perfect cure
Composer(s): Unidentified
Participants:  Rollin Howard
aka Stump oration; Any other man
Participants:  Dan Bryant
Participants:  James Garatagua


Announcement: New York Clipper, 06 January 1866, 310.

     “Rollin Howard, a very good burlesque prima donna in the minstrel profession, is about making his re-appearance, after a long absence from the public boards.”

Advertisement: New-York Times, 07 January 1866, 7.
Announcement: New York Herald, 08 January 1866, 5.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 08 January 1866, 7.
Announcement: New-York Times, 08 January 1866, 5.

     “[T]he new vocalist, Mr. Charles Henry, will sing several of his delightful ballads.”

Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 08 January 1866, 5.

     “Mr. Charles Henry, the vocalist, has made a good success at Bryant’s Minstrels and he will appear there every night. . . . Mr. Rollin Howard, the burlesque actor, has been engaged here and will make his first appearance on Wednesday evening.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 13 January 1866, 318.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 13 January 1866, 7.
Review: New York Clipper, 20 January 1866, 326.

     “A couple months ago we pointed out to the Bryants the necessity of strengthening their vocal department, for at that time the troupe was sadly in need of some good singers. They adopted our suggestion, and the result is not only a decided improvement in the merits of their entertainment, but in their business as well.  Among the additions made is Mr. Charles Henry, a very pleasing ballad singer, who is just now meeting with good favor by singing a beautiful ballad called ‘Father, Come Home,’ from the words of which a great moral may be deduced. Another addition was made on the 10th inst., in the person of Rollin Howard, a burlesque prima donna performer; Howard made his rentree—as we say in the classics—in a scena called ‘Laughyoucansir,’ (‘L’Africaine’) and his costume is one of the handsomest ever seen upon the stage; it is a Queen’s robe of black velvet rimmed with ermine, the under dress being of rich white satin trimmed with gold lace and spangles. He and his dress were well received; in singing, however, he exhibited no improvement; in fact, we liked him not as well as before his retirement.”