Terrace Garden
Proprietor / Lessee:
7th Ave. between 58th and 59th Sts. Central Park Garden
Theodore Thomas [see also Thomas Orchestra]
Price: $.25; $10 season pass
Event Type:
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
7 November 2017
“The undersigned beg to announce that they have succeeded in making arrangements for the summer season with MR. THEODORE THOMAS AND HIS GRAND ORCHESTRA to give daily, in this favorite and well known resort, ORCHESTRAL GARDEN CONCERTS, to commence on or about June 4.”
“Mr. Theodore Thomas purposes giving a concert every evening, commencing next week, at Koch’s Terrace Garden, on Third avenue and Fifty-eighth street. His well known orchestra has been engaged for these concerts, and the grounds fitted up for the reception and the comfort of the audience.”
“This beautiful garden, situated between Fourth and Third aves., Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth-sts., will be a delightful resort during the Summer months. The enterprising proprietor, M. Koch, has engaged the popular conductor, Theodore Thomas, who, with his fine orchestra, will give concerts there every evening and on Wednesday afternoons. The evening concerts will consist of brilliant overtures, of which Mr. Thomas has a vast selection, and the melodious and beautiful waltzes and other dance music of Germany. The music in the afternoon will be of the highest character, selected from the works of the great masters. Such entertainments cannot fail to crowd Terrace Garden with our music-loving citizens, their wives and children.”
“On Monday evening the first of Theodore Thomas’ grand orchestral concerts will come off at Terrace Garden, on Third avenue and Fifty ninth street. These concerts will be given every evening during the summer season.”
“Mr. Thomas has worked for art more than any other man in this City, and with a quiet but irresistible amiability of effort, which has not only had its effect on the community, but has done its service in making it acquainted with many works that were out of the beaten track, but, nevertheless, good. During the Summer months, Mr. Thomas devotes himself to lighter duties. He conducts orchestral garden concerts. To-night he commences a series of musical entertainments at an agreeable establishment called the ‘Terrace Garden,’ situated between Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth streets, in the Third-avenue. The location is advantageous, inasmuch as it can be reached from every part of the City. The admission is placed at the lowest possible figure, and the orchestra will number thirty players.”
“The proprietors of Terrace Garden, situated between Fifty-eight and Fifty-ninth sts., on Third ave., have engaged the services of Mr. Theo. Thomas and his orchestra, to give an instrumental concert every evening, commencing at 7 o’clock. The selections will comprise all the finest and most popular music suited to concerts of this class, and in vogue in the celebrated gardens in Germany. There will be a constant succession of novelties, and we need hardly say, that with such an orchestra as Mr. Thomas has under his direction, the performance will be admirable in every respect. The first concert will take place to-night. This Saturday afternoon concerts at the same place will consist of the very finest orchestral music known, and will be, literally, a Philharmonic programme.”
“Mr. Theodore Thomas, one of the best and most indefatigable of our orchestra leaders, gives to-night the first of his summer concerts, at Koch's Terrace Garden, Fifty-eighth street, between Lexington and Third avenues. This concert will be a permanent and most enjoyable feature of the summer season. Mr. Thomas's orchestra is known to all lovers of good music in the city, and the Terrace Garden is one of the pleasantest and most attractive places of resort in the city."
“This establishment was opened to the public last night, under the favorable auspices of warm and most pleasant weather. The Garden is divided off into terraces, salons and arbors, open to the fresh air, which comes with a free sweep across the Central Park. The orchestra is ample, and accommodates easily the thirty musicians which form Mr. Thomas’s very competent band. Ladies and gentlemen and groups of pretty children, making the most charming family groups, filled all the nooks and corners of this very agreeable Summer evening resort.
Mr. Theo. Thomas is not engaged by the proprietors of the Garden, but has assumed the responsibility of the experiment. He knows the universal popularity of these concerts, both in Germany and in Paris, and he determined to see if the same class of entertainment would meet the approbation and supply the wants of the music-loving population of New-York who do not rusticate or ‘do the watering places.’
The Concert last night displayed a happy selection. There was most admirable music, and the classic was happily contrasted with the light and popular. The orchestra is composed of first-class artists, and there will be no substitutes. We shall always hear the same excellent artists, every night improving by constant practice together.”
“We have not time to-night to speak of Theodore Thomas’ very emphatic success at the pleasant place called the Terrace Garden, between Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth streets, in Third-avenue. It must suffice that he has a superb orchestra, and that here on every evening of the Summer we can hear music quite as well interpreted as in Vienna or Dresden. The attendance last night was particularly good, and represented all classes of the community. The Terrace Garden is, we think, a place where the most sensitive person may go without feeling offended with those who surround him.”