Band Concert and Dance

Event Information

Jones's Wood

Price: $.25

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
23 February 2013

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

04 Jul 1866, 12:00 PM

Program Details

12 noon and through the afternoon and evening

Frank Donaldson’s Monster Performance and People’s Picnic
Concert and Dance (with two conductors)

Performers and/or Works Performed


Announcement: New York Clipper, 30 June 1866, 94.

“A grand festival comes off at Jones’ Wood on the 4th of July. Frank Donaldson will, while sitting in a common wash tub, drive six geese fastened to said tub [in the East River]. There will be two full brass bands in attendance."

Advertisement: New York Herald, 01 July 1866.
Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 01 July 1866.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 03 July 1866.

“One hundred policemen are detailed and the strictest order will be maintained.”

Announcement: New York Sun, 04 July 1866.

“A grand monster festival concert and picnic will take place here. Young Angelo will appear in his Niagara Leap.  Frank Donaldson is to drive six highly trained geese one mile on the East River in a common wash-tub.  The champion skater, Hank Mee, will be present and go through several feats, and altogether there will be a fine class entertainment.”

Announcement: New-York Times, 04 July 1866, 5.

Says nothing about band. Says the DeLave family will perform “the trapeze and other aerial feats.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 04 July 1866, 1.

“Frank Donaldson, . . . will perform the most extraordinary aquatic feat of driving six trained geese harnessed to a common washtub, for one lime down the river and back at the hours of twelve, three and six. Two full bands will be in attendance.”

Announcement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 04 July 1866.
Announcement: New York Clipper, 07 July 1866, 102.