Terrace Garden
Proprietor / Lessee:
7th Ave. between 58th and 59th Sts. Central Park Garden
Theodore Thomas [see also Thomas Orchestra]
Price: $.25
Event Type:
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
14 November 2017
"As the end of summer draws near, Theodore Thomas's Terrace Garden Concerts should be even better attended than ever, as the opportunity of enjoying them will soon be over, for this season. Next Wednesday is to be a Mozart night."
"Thomas' Concerts at Terrace Garden.--The regular nightly concerts given by Mr. Theo. Thomas' fine orchestra at Terrace Garden continue to prove highly attractive to the more fastidious of our amusement seekers. This evening's programme (second part) will be devoted to celebrating the memory of Mozart. The 'Turkish Waltz' and portions of the Sextell called 'First Divertiment,' by this great master, will be on this occasion performed for the first time in America, together with various selections from symphonies, &c. The usual classical features of the Tuesday and Friday nights' programmes of these concerts continue to draw the ever-increasing throng of dilletanti."
"Thomas' Orchestral Garden Concerts.
The success of those popular entertainments continues unabated. Crowds nightly congregate to hear the music of the best composers interpreted by Mr. Thomas' admirable orchestra. To-night is a Mozart night adn the programme, as will be seen from the following, a rare one:--[lists program.]."
This announcement was published after the event took place.
These delightful concerts are still given at Terrace Garden, and continue as heretofore to attract large audiences. The performances are not dependent solely upon fine weather, as in case of rani they are given in the large and handsome saloon belonging to the Garden, which will accommodate several hundred people. On Tuesday and Friday evenings the programme is compose largely of the finest classical music, and on Wednesday evening next, a Mozart programme will be given."
“Thomas’ Garden Concerts. Those popular entertainments increase in popularity as the season advances. For the past week the attendance has been overwhelming, numbers being turned away from the entrance for want of room inside. The Mozart night on Wednesday and the classical programme on Tuesday and Friday nights attracted a larger attendance than usual. The execution of each programme was fully equal to the standard from which we can judge Mr. Thomas’ orchestra.”