Central Park Mall
Harvey Bradley Dodworth
Event Type:
Last Updated:
5 April 2020
“Bright skies and a bracing atmosphere greeted the thousands that attended the concert at the Park yesterday. It is interesting to watch the promenaders on the Mall. The majority belong to the fair sex, and they are the most demonstrative of Mr. Dodworth’s audience—not, indeed, in paying attention to the music, as they are too much preoccupied in conversation with their attendant cavaliers; but in vivacity and ubiquity they are like the feathered songstresses overhead. Now and then an envious criticism on a rival fall bonnet, or a waterfall, was mingled with disquisitions on parties, balls, picnics, and last, though least, ‘beaux.’ In the immediate vicinity of the stand were those who came to hear the following excellent programme:– [Gives program.]
It would be unfair to expect in an open air concert and without a regular orchestra anything like finished execution and coloring in some of those works, but, taking these things into consideration, they were very fairly rendered. The national potpourri, as usual, terminated the concert.”