French Theatre
Price: $.50 gallery; $1 orchestra; $1 second ring; $1.50 orchestra reserved
Event Type:
Opera, Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
9 August 2016
“A well filled house witnessed last evening the presentation of three pieces. Les Premiers Amoure [sic] is one of Scribe’s woks. Hence it can be inferred that it is a production built in accordance with the same plans which have served for the construction of the several hundred plays of the fertile, but by no means powerful, dramatist. Its performance was creditable, though the habitual coldness of Mlle. Carnel was very apparent. An amusing vaudeville, Croque-Poule, replete with comical situations, and endowed with a liberal allowance of équivoque, passed off merrily. It introduced M. Juignet whose ability as a comedian has been too generally appreciated in former years to throw doubt upon its genuineness. M. Juignet was ably seconded by a careful and conscientious actress, Mme. Saunier. The concluding operetta, Tromb-al-ca-zar, is one of Offenbach’s most joyous compositions, and its worth as a most mirth-provoking burletta, was last night enhanced by the rendering of the different characters. Mmes. (sic) Edgard, Chol and Francis [roles are all male, as are these performers] , and Mlle. Laurentis, who sang with her usual fluency and brio, gave a very happy portrayal of the adventure in which they, as a trio of strolling players, became involved.”