Kelly and Leon's Minstrels Hall (720 Broadway)
Event Type:
Last Updated:
16 August 2016
“The very large audience which assembled at this popular place of entertainment last night was kept in continued good humor by the excellent entertainment provided. Laughable burlesques, comic dances, pleasing ballads, and dialogues racy with wit and humor followed each other in quick succession. The enjoyable burlesque of the Black Statue, and the operetta of Matrimony, in which Leon has an excellent opportunity to display his remarkable vocalization, were retained on the programme. Nelse Seymour, in the African Polka, was greeted with shouts of laughter, and the rendering of the Persecuted Darkey was brimful of broad humor and ludicrous situations. Leon’s Carnival De Venise [sic] was executed with his usual grace and agility. The remainder of the programme was equally well performed and heartily appreciated by the audience.”