Elizabeth, Queen of England

Event Information

French Theatre

Proprietor / Lessee:
Jacob Grau

Price: $2 general admission; no extra charge for reserved seats or boxes

Event Type:
Play With Music

Record Information


Last Updated:
2 September 2015

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

09 Jan 1867, 1:00 PM

Program Details

Final matinee and Ristori’s last appearance in New York City until the spring.

Performers and/or Works Performed

Text Author: Giacometti
Participants:  Adelaide Ristori (role: Elizabeth)


Advertisement: New-York Times, 06 January 1867, 7.

“Mr. GRAU, in reply to many applications for the repetition of CAMMA, which created such a furore on Friday evening last, regrets to state that CAMMA having been announced for that night only, that ELIZABETH having been previously advertised for to-morrow (Monday) evening, and for the matinee on Wednesday—the last two represetations of Mme. RISTORI in New-York prior to her departure for the West, and, also, an immense number of seats and boxes already having been already secured for these representations of ELIZABETH, it would be departing from the rules of the management to change the performance; but as Mme. RISTORI’S return to New-York will be April next, when she will give her farewell performances, before leaving America for Paris, where she is engaged to appear during the Exposition Universeile, her rentree will take place here with the representation of Montanelli’s tragedy CAMMA.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 07 January 1867.

“Ristori’s recitation books translated into English can be obtained to-day at several [missing word] offices and at Steinway Hall during the evening.”

Advertisement: New-York Times, 09 January 1867.
Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 09 January 1867.