St. Columba Church Concert: 5th

Event Information

St. Columba’s Church

R. [vocalist/cond./dir.] Gonzalez

Price: $.50

Record Information


Last Updated:
26 October 2015

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

13 Jan 1867, 8:00 PM

Program Details

Program included unidentified sacred works by Donizetti, Loder, Haydn, Berge, and Kreutzer.

Gonzales "presided at the organ" and also sang.

Chorus comprised of “fifty voices.”

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Rossini
Composer(s): Rossini
Participants:  John Langenbach [tenor]


Advertisement: New York Sun, 12 January 1867.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 13 January 1867.
Review: New York Herald, 14 January 1867, 4.

“Mr. R. Gonzales gave his fifth Sunday evening concert last evening at St. Columba’s church, Twenty-fifth street, near Eighth avenue. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather a large audience gathered together, filling both the body and gallery of the building. The programme was entirely composed of sacred music and contained selections from the works of Rossini, Donizetti, Loder, Haydn, Berge and Kreutzer. Mr. Gonzales was supported by several well known artists and also by a chorus of fifty voices. Mr. Gonzales presided at the organ, opening the concert with one of Rossini’s grand overtures. ‘Bow Down Thine Ear, O Lord’ was decidedly one of the best things of the evening—sung by Miss Potter, Mme. Godetti and Messrs. Holder and Rombergh. Mr. Gonzales sang ‘Pro Peccata’ from the Stabat Mater in good style, and ‘Cujus Animam’ from the same great work, was well sung by Mr. Langenbach. The concert passed off well. It would have been more enjoyable, however, had the church been comfortably warmed. It is to be hoped that warm weather will be chosen for the next performance under the shadow of St. Columba.”