Charlie White’s Minstrels

Event Information

Mechanic's Hall

Record Information


Last Updated:
2 November 2015

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

14 Jan 1867, Evening
15 Jan 1867, Evening
16 Jan 1867, Evening
17 Jan 1867, Evening
18 Jan 1867, Evening
19 Jan 1867, Evening

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New York Herald, 14 January 1867.
Review: New York Herald, 17 January 1867, 5.

“A full bill and a crowded house were both to be seen last evening at 472 Broadway. The singing of Messrs. Edeson and Collins, the dancing of the ballet, and the burnt cork performances of Charley White and Frank Kerns met with demonstrative appreciation of the audience. The performance concluded with an Irish drama, entitled ‘The Fenian’s Oath.’ This is a production pandering excessively to the present Fenian excitement. It consists of glorification of the green flag, abuse of the English, and extravagant and ridiculous positions and incidents and is so full of ‘business’ that weak little plot there is in it is quite lost and buried.”