Mechanic's Hall
Event Type:
Last Updated:
9 November 2015
“Tendered by the Manager, and including the voluntary services of the whole company. The beneficiary, it will be remembered, is the only surviving sister of the unfortunate Fowler sisters, who were recently lost on steamer Evening Star.”
“Scenes on the Mississippi was a decided improvement on the programme of last week and met with a warm reception from a crowded house. The preponderance of juveniles in the upper story may be fairly attributed to the bait thrown out on the bills in the announcement The Schoolboy’s Frolic, a comic pantomime abounding in the clamor, mischief and rebellious spirit of which the school is the scene. Mr. Collins, as usual, received the lion’s share of applause, while the inevitable Essence of Virginny was sandwiched between the flights of the ballet troupe and the antics of the comedian. The change in the ballet performance possessed little novelty and no charm or interest. On the whole the bill is likely to have a good run.”
“The benefit which took place at Charley White’s on the afternoon of Feb. 5th, for Miss Emma Fowler, was a great success. The house was crowded, and many persons were turned away. The lady cleared over four hundred and fifty dollars. Among our theatrical advertisements will be found a card of thanks to all who assisted her at the benefit.”