Mechanic's Hall
Event Type:
Minstrel, Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
28 December 2015
“A programme so replete with comic negro delineations, character and ballet dancing, pantomime and the drama, as like one presented here last night cannot fail to be highly appreciated by the frequenters of this cosy little theatre; and consequently the applause of the crowded audiences who frequent this temple of amusement is enthusiastic and frequent. The great mutton trial and statue comique are ludicrous and funny enough to provoke laughter even from ‘ye melancholy Dane.”
“Charley White furnishes his patrons this week with a bill of fare replete with the most popular acts of the day. The act called ‘The Mutton Trial’ has made a hit, and Charley White, as Sheepshead, is very funny. The present is the last week but two of the season.”