Masked Ball of the Young Bachelor’s Dramatic and Social Club

Event Information

Irving Hall

Record Information


Last Updated:
8 June 2015

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

25 Mar 1864, Evening


Review: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 28 March 1864, 8.

“The Masked Ball of the Young Bachelor’s Dramatic and Social Club was held Friday evening at Irving Hall to close the cycle of balls given to celebrate Purim. It was stunning and well attended. Despite the Jewish prohibition against a ball’s occurrence on a Friday evening, the numerous attendees were in high spirits; the fun created by the costumes was contributed in large measure to the merry mood. Especially noteworthy was a Negro woman in a gingham dress; likewise, a female Jack Shephard, distinguished by the elegance of her suit. The committee under Messrs. Robert Gruenthal and P. Berliner deserves praiseworthy mention for sparing neither cost nor effort to ensure the ball’s success.”